This foundation was established by Mr. and Mrs. Papoutsy in the 1990's to support Hellenism, Greek Orthodoxy, and Hellenic culture. Its directors meet annually to review and select projects that fall within the purview of its mission. In the decennial period 1995-2005, it funded a number of significant projects: the establishment of Hellenic Communication Service; national workshops, lectures, and research by Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association; the establishment of Papco World Publishing; the endowment of the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series at the University of New Hampshire; the Papoutsy Lecture Series in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, and other projects, many of which are described below in more detail. Click here to view and download a brochure on the foundation (PDF-260K).
Foundation & Funds
- Christos and Mary Papoutsy Arts Venture Fund
The Arts Venture Fund was established in 1985 as a component fund of the Greater Piscataqua Community Foundation. As of 1999 a permanent endowment exists to support local artists and community projects by strengthening the network of arts organizations in the region. Click here for mor information.
- Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation
This foundation’s mission is to support Hellenism, Greek Orthodoxy, and Hellenic culture. Click here to view and download a full brochure on the foundation.
- Papoutsy Futures Fund
The fund for this foundation was established in the 1980’s by Christos Papoutsy and a coalition of benefactors to motivate young students by offering “last dollar” scholarships to participating students as they enter this program in the 7th grade. Funds collectively generate income to provide scholarship assistance. More than 80 students are currently enrolled in the program.
- Christos and Mary Papoutsy Foundation for the Revitalization of Vatoussa, Lesvos Greece
Created in 1999 with an endowment, the mission of this foundation is to benefit the public welfare of Vatoussa and to preserve the historical physiognomy and tradition of this village, with emphasis on the beautification and the improvement of the standard of living and quality of life of its residents. For more information about Vatoussa and Lesvos, see the section created by Hellenic Communication Service at the URL
Panorama of Vatoussa, Lesvos, Greece Original oil painting by Panagiotis Malamelis
of Vatoussa
Lower Square of Vatoussa, Lesvos, Greece Original oil painting by Panagiotis Malamelis
of Vatoussa
- The Christos and Mary Papoutsy Distinguished Chair in Ethics at Southern New Hampshire University
Founded in 2001, The Christos and Mary Papoutsy Distinguished Chair in Ethics has been established to address the university’s mission to develop within students the wisdom to lead ethical professional and personal lives. Ethics is understood to encompass a wide range of topics including social justice, human rights, civil rights, and those essential ideals that extend back to our classical forebears. The Chair will promote this goal through teaching,community lectures, working with faculty and staff to enhance this dimension of their teaching and work, interacting with the external constituencies, and playing a leadership role in campus-wide initiatives related to the topic. Using the Classics as a foundation and extending through contemporary writers and thinkers, the Chair will bring into the curriculum and the community dialogue the cultural, historical, and contextual intellectual traditions in which we have come to understand the exercise of ethical choices. The Chair will organize a series of discussions and lectures on major ethical issues facing society today. These issues will range from the ethical implications of scientific and medical breakthroughs to environmental crisises to economic and business. For more information about the Ethics Chair and its activities and events, visit the Business Arena page of Hellenic Communication Service at or the University website at
Inauguration of the Christos and Mary
Papoutsy Distinguished Chair in Ethics at
Southern New Hampshire University.
Pictured (left to right) are Mary Papoutsy,
Christos Papoutsy, Deputy Foreign
Minister of Foreign Affairs for the
Hellenic Republic Ioannis Magriotis
Establishment of the Christos and Mary
Papoutsy Distinguished Chair in Ethics
at Southern New Hampshire University.
Pictured (left to right) are President
Richard Gustafson, Christos Papoutsy,
Mary Papoutsy
- Professor John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series at the University of New Hampshire
Created in 1997 by the Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation, this extraordinary series of lectures and events promotes and enhances awareness of the Classics in New Hampshire and beyond. Topics explored each year by the series cover a range of subjects within Greco-Roman civilization, including mythology, literature, history, art, language, archaeology, and philosophy. Lectures are delivered by internationally recognized speakers and scholars. Named for one of the University of New Hampshire’s most distinguished scholars and faculty members, the series is a testament to the devotion of Professor John C. Rouman toward the Classics. For more information, contact the Classics Program at UNH, Dept. of L.L.C., College of Liberal Arts, Murkland Hall, Durham, NH 03824-3596 (603-682-3131) or visit the series’ webpages hosted by Hellenic Communication Service at
Rouman Lecture Series Advisory Board with
UNH President Dr. Ann Hart, Lecturer Dr. Mary
Lefkowitz, Board Co-chairs Dr. John C. Rouman
and Mary Papoutsy
Rouman Lecture Series Board with Lecturer
Lynn Sherr of ABC's 20/20 and guests
- The Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association
Incorporated in 2000 through a grant from the Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation as a non-profit in the state of New Hampshire, this non-profit organization seeks to promote interest in Hellenic ancestry and history. The mission of HHGA, a member affiliate of the National Genealogical Society, is to enhance awareness of Hellenic history and ancestry and to provide educational resources and support for research in these areas. Publications, lectures, conferences, and volunteer projects are among the activities of this group. The organization offers free introductory workshops nationwide by an experienced presenter and educator. Although a wide variety of topics may be covered in workshops, emphasis is on challenges unique to researching Hellenic ancestry and providing an introduction to the basic topics which may include, for example, completing ancestral charts, using the Ellis Island Foundation online database, cluster genealogy, transliteration challenges, naming patterns, ecclesiastical records, and conducting research in Greece. Membership is free and open to all interested persons.
For more information about Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association (HHGA) or any of the articles or features of its webpage, which is hosted by Hellenic Communication Service at, contact the staff at or write to HHGA at PO Box 710, Rye Beach, NH 03871 USA (Tel 603-379-8140 / Fax 603-379-8141). HCS maintains a website on Hellenic genealogy, of which HHGA is just one component, at the URL
HHGA workshop at Somerville, MA
led by founder Mary Papoutsy
HHGA workshop participants at Annunciation Cathedral
in Atlanta in 2005
- Papoutsy Foundation Lecture Series in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
The Christos and Mary Papoutsy Foundation offering a new collection of presentations, focusing on business ethics and corporate social responsibility will launch its season of free public service lectures. Offered by Christos Papoutsy, an ethicist, author, and former business executive in the electronics industry, these new lectures address contemporary issues in the business arena.
Equally suitable for small classrooms or larger audiences, this new collection of lectures will run from 45-60 minutes. Using a combination of mastery-style delivery with powerpoint presentation and question-and-answer techniques, Mr. Papoutsy shares his extensive real-world experiences. His unique background enables him to blend business theory with practice, while offering clarifying insight about the decision-making process among business administrators and entrepreneurs. Moreover, his experience in developing and delivering an award-winning series of free seminars for women entrepreneurs in New England has earned him a solid reputation for reaching across age, gender, and ethnicity barriers in the field of business. The Foundation in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility was established to promote and enhance awareness of ethics in personal and professional settings for students and community audiences. Through teaching, community lectures, and conferences, all audiences will be assisted in understanding and applying lessons taught by current and classical ethicists to twentieth century settings. Special emphasis will be placed upon the works of ancient Greek writers and intellectuals whose teachings have shaped the history of Western civilization from antiquity until the present.
For more information or to arrange for a lecture, contact the Foundation Lecture Series, Christos Papoutsy, P.O. Box 710,
Rye Beach, NH 03871, U.S.A. • 603.379.8140 • fax 603.379.8141; Email: ; website:
- The Hellenic & Near Eastern Musical Society Orchestra
A Celebration of Greek and Near Eastern Music in America. The Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation has sponsored the organization and performances of the 25-piece Hellenic & Near Eastern Musical Society Orchestra and its ancillary society. The mission of the Society is to promote and enhance awareness of Greek and Near Eastern Music in America. Its members believe that its music represents a key component of Hellenic and Near Eastern culture, transcending all boundaries of age, politics, religion, ethnic origin, and socioeconomic strata. Unique in its many artistic forms, music serves as a universal language, appreciated and understood by all. Kostis Palamas, the noted Greek poet, praised the role of music in Hellenic society: “The ancient greeks imbued music with meaning. For them, poetry was music, philosophy was music – the highest form of music; everything that systematically and harmoniously shapes life was music; every refinement of the soul was music.”
Musical Instruction and Repository of Music Albums and Scores. With grants from the Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation, the society seeks contributions of old music records and scores. An archival repository of folk music will be created in order to preserve and safeguard these cultural treasures. From these archives members will develop instructional sets of music scores and CDs with accompanying tutorial tapes which they expect to make available to learners, musicians, and the public. Persons wishing to donate items for the repository will receive full credit for their contributions.
For more information about the society or its orchestra, visit the webpages hosted by Hellenic Communication Service under the Greek Music and Art section at the URL:
Hellenic & Near Eastern Musical Society Orchestra
Hellenic & Near Eastern Musical Society Orchestra
- Hellenic Communication Service (HCS)
Together, in 1998, Mr. and Mrs. Papoutsy established a non-profit, charitable venture, Hellenic Communication Service (HCS). It is the premier free news and information service for Greeks and Greek communities in the U.S. and worldwide, located at the Internet URL The site contains the latest updates in a national calendar of events, headline news, feature articles, ad much more. Hellenic Communication Service is dedicated to providing free posting of public announcements and news for Hellenic communities and organizations and free advertising for Greek-owned or sponsored businesses. Its website, which now receives about one million visitors yearly, has been made possible by a grant from the Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation.
- Papco World Publishing (PWP)
In 2005, the Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation established Papco World Publishing (PWP), specializing in the publication of texts and substantial articles in the areas of Hellenic history, Hellenic genealogy, Greek music (including original musical scores), Classics, Hellenic studies, business, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility. This new publishing house will serve the needs of previously unpublished authors and families and communities wishing to produce archival-quality histories, as well as of veteran authors and institutions. Interested persons are encouraged to submit articles or abstracts and appropriate ancillary materials for consideration. Contact Papco World Publishing at email address; postal mailing address Papco Holding, PO Box 710, Rye Beach, NH 03871 USA.
Other Papoutsy Significant Charitable Activities
Mr. and Mrs. Papoutsy believe that personal participation must be the cornerstone of all of their endeavors. In leadership positions, they have generously given of their time, talent, and resources while actively chairing numerous committees. As great benefactors, the Papoutsys undertook leadership roles in such worthy projects as the planning and completion of the multi-million dollar Greek Orthodox Diocesan Center in Brookline, Massachusetts; the major renovation of the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, New Hampshire; the Alumni center of Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, New Hampshire; the recently constructed community centers and renovated facilities of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Dover, New Hampshire, St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Manchester, New Hampshire, and Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Newburyport, Massachusetts; and the construction of a park and amphitheatre in Vatoussa, Lesvos,
The Papoutsy Seminar for Women Entrepreneurs was established in 1993 through the funding and support of Christos Papoutsy. It was Mr. Papoutsy's wish to encourage women to learn more about what they need to know to start a business. The Papoutsy Fund for Women Entrepreneurs was established and endowed the first charitable fund of its kind in New Hampshire. It was made possible through a grant to the Greater Piscataqua Community Foundation, a regional division of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundcation. A series of educational seminars, open to women who live in the Greater Seacoast area, was designed to provide women with the business skills necessary to start or expand their business. They included a combination of: formal instruction by local business experts; panel discussions by local successful women entrepreneurs and resource providers; one-on-one assistance in writing your own business plan; and professional evaluation and critique of the completed business plan. The program also offers the opportunity for networking and collaboration among other successful women entrepreneurs. The seminars were all held at N. H. College (now Southern N.H. University).
One of the ecclesiastical projects of which they remain most proud is their leadership role in chairing the 1996 Blue Ribbon Committee Formed to Study the Feasibility of Purchasing a Summer Camp/Spiritual Retreat Center for the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Boston, a significant role which culminated in the subsequent acquisition of a pristine summer camp/year-round center to serve the spiritual needs of Greek Orthodox faithful of New England, recently renamed St. Methodios Faith Heritage Center.
In 1998 Mr. and Mrs.Papoutsy produced and directed a singular concert of 70 Greek musicians at Harvard University -- a complete sell-out event -- to benefit The Greek Institute of Boston and the Thesavros tis Ellinikes Glosses project in Athens.At this event Mr. Papoutsy filled a dual role of directing and performing, being the only santouri player among the musicians. Since then, he has established an acclaimed, 25-piece orchestra, the Hellenic and Near Eastern Musical Society Ensemble, which he also conducts.
These projects, along with the funds and foundations listed above, are fair representations of the worthy endeavors to which Mr. and Mrs. Papoutsy have contributed their time, talent, and resources in excess of several million dollars. Currently they are working to expand the scope of the lecture series at the University of New Hampshire, the ethics chair based on the Classics at Southern New Hampshire University, and the charitable foundation for Mr. Papoutsy's charming and picturesque ancestral village, Vatoussa, on the Aegean island, Lesvos.