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The Classical World The Professor John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series |
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Click on any of the links below to view that section. About the lecture series Calendar of Events Dr. John C. Rouman, Professor Emeritus Transcripts of previous lectures or performances Press Releases and Articles of Interest Donation form for contribution to the series Photo Gallery |
The Classics
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The intellectual heritage of the combined cultures of Classical Greece, Rome, and Byzantium has defined Western Culture as we know it. These cultures have taught us practically everything we know. To see ourselves more clearly, we must see and understand the lessons that the Classics have taught us. This is the mission of the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. |
Introducing the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series at the University of New Hampshire. Created in 1997 by the Christos and Mary Papoutsy Charitable Foundation, this extraordinary series of lectures and events continues to promote and enhance awareness of the Classics in New Hampshire. throughout New England, and beyond. Topics explored each year by the series will cover a range of subjects wthin Greco-Roman civilization including mythology,literature, history, philosophy, art and language, and will feature lectures |
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delivered by internationally recognized speakers and scholars. Each year of lectures and special events will be unique in its scope and focus. For more information, contact the Classics Program directly at the University of New Hampshire, Murkland Hall, Rm. 316, Durham, NH 03824; (tel.) 603-682-3522; (email) tss@cisunix.unh.edu. |
2006 26 April 2006, Wednesday, 7:30pm--Free public lecture--Richards Auditorium, Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH--"From Helen of Sparta to Helen of Troy" by Dr. Monica Cyrino, Chairperson of the Classics Program, University of New Mexico. 18 October 2006, Wednesday, 7:30pm--Free public lecture--Richards Auditorium, Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH--"From House to Church: Charting the Course of Artistic Transformations in the Early Byzantine Art" by Dr. Christine Kondoleon, George and Margo Behrakis Curator of Greek and Roman Art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 2007 9-10 March 2007--Annual conference of the Classical Association of New England.(CANE) at the University of New Hampshire. For more information, visit the CANE website at the URL http://www.caneweb.org/index.asp, or contact CANE President Cynthia Damon, Classics Dept., AC #3357, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002; (tel.) 413-542-8126 (W), 413-549-7471(H); (email) cdamon@amherst.edu 21 March 2007, Wednesday, 7:30pm--Free public lecture--Richards Auditorium, 115 Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, by Dr. Charles Beye. Topic: Figure of Odysseus. October 2007--For the Tenth Anniversary celebration of the founding of the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series, legendary film producer and historian Michael Wood will speak in Durham during the week of October 22, 2007. Public welcome. New Hampshire Governor John Lynch to proclaim Classics Week in honor of events. Read more or view schedule.>>. 4 December 2007, Tuesday, 1-3:30pm--Free public lecture--Huddleston Ballroom, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, by Greek Ambassador Alexandros Mallias. Reception afterward hosted by College of Liberal Arts, led by Dr. Marilyn Hoskin, Dean. Tenth Anniversary celebration of the founding of the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series at UNH. 2008 12 March 2008, Wednesday, 6:00pm--Free public lecture--Richards Auditorium, 115 Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, by Dr. Kurt Raaflaub, President of the American Philological Association: "Live Free or Die: Liberty, Democracy and Imperialism in Ancient Athens." Jointly sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series and the Democracy Dialogue on Campus Program at the University of New Hampshire. 27-30 June 2008--61st Annual American Classical League Institute for Latin students and teachers--University of New Hampshire. More details to follow. 22 October 2008, Wednesday, 7:30pm--Free public lecture--Richards Auditorium, 115 Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, by Dr. Jeffrey Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek Language and Literature, former Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at Boston University: "Pericles the Squill-Head: Political Humor in the World's First Democracy." John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 2009 05-08 March 2009--Theatre performance--7pm on March 5-7, 2pm on March 8--Strafford Rm., UNH campus. Medea, adaptation by Robinson Jeffers for the Mask and Dagger Theatre Troupe of UNH. Tickets $3/students, $5 all others. Produced with special permission of Samuel French, Inc. 01 April 2009, Wednesday, 7:30pm--Free public lecture--DeMerritt 240, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, by Dr. Stratis Papaioannou, William A. Dyer, Jr. Assistant Professor in the Humanities at Brown University and Dumbarton Oaks Asst. Prof. of Byzantine Studies in Washington, D.C.: "The Unknown Narcissus: Mirrors in Byzantium." Reception following lecture. The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. October 2009--Free public lecture--Richards Auditorium, 7:30pm, Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Barry Strauss, world-renowned author and Cornell University professor: "The Trojan War: Myth or History?" MReception following lecture. The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 2010 21 April 2010--Free public lecture on Classicist Edith Hamilton: Edith Hamilton and New England: The Making of a Revolutionary Classicist--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Judith Hallett, renowned scholar and University of Maryland professor. The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 20 October 2010--Free public lecture on democracy--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Josiah Ober, Constantine Mitsotakis Chair in the School of Humanities and Sciences and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Stanford University: "What is Democracy? What is it Good for?"--Richards Auditorium, 7:30pm, Murkland Hall. For more information, see the press release at the URL http://www.helleniccomserve.com/roumanoberlectureoct2010.html. The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 21 October 2010--Free public lecture on Mithradates--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Adrienne Mayor, Research Scholar in Classics and History of Science at Stanford University: "The Poison King: Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy"--Rm. 127 Hamilton-Smith Hall, 3:30-5:00pm. For more information, see the press release at the URL http://www.helleniccomserve.com/roumanmayorlectureoct2010.html .The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 2011 26 October 2011--Free public lecture on Pliny--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Kathleen Coleman, James Loeb Professor of the Classics and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University, and President of the American Philological Association: "The Talk of the Town: Essays and Op-Ed Columns by the Younger Pliny"--Richards Auditorium, 7:30pm, Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham.The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 2012 7 March 2012--Free public lecture on Byzantine saints--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. James Skedros, Michael G. and Anastasia Cantonis Professor of Byzantine Studies and Professor of Early Christianity, Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology: "The Byzantine Saint: Classical Influences and Medieval Realities"--7:00pm, Murkland G17. Sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series and the Janetos Fund. 20 March 2012--Free public lecture--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Gregory Crane, Professor of Classics and Winnick Family Chair of Technology and Entrepreneurship at Tufts University and the editor in chief of the Perseus Project: "Wikipedia, the world of Warcraft and the Resurgence of Philology"--12:40pm, Murkland G17. Sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series and the Janetos Fund. 21 March 2012--Free public lecture--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Melissa Lane, Director of the Program in Values and Public Life of the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University: "Eco-Republic"--12:10pm, Huddleston Hall. Part of the Sidore Series "Sustainability Unbound" [see also www.sustainableunh.unh.edu/sustainabilityunbound], and sponsored also by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series and the Janetos Fund. 11 April 2012--Free public lecture--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Jacqueline Carlon, Associate Professor of Classics and Graduate Program Director at the University of Massachusetts at Boston: "Beyond Wood and Chastity: Roman Women in Public View"--7:00pm, Murkland G17. Sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series and the Janetos Fund. 23 April 2012--Free public lecture--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Chris Gregg, Assistant Professor of Art History at George Mason University: "Opposites Attract: Constructing Antithesis in Hellenistic Group Sculpture"--7:00pm, Richards Auditorium (115 Murkland). Sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series and the Janetos Fund. 17 October 2012--Free public lecture on the Pantheon--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. Mary T. Boatwright, Professor Ancient History and Classical Studies at Duke University, "The Pantheon: Why is Agrippa's Name on Hadrian's Building?"--Richards Auditorium, 7:30pm, Murkland Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham. The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series 2013 3 October 2013--Lecture by Dr. Adam Serfass of Kenyon College on Ancient Religion. Time and location to be announced. Sponsored by The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 23 October 2013--Free public lecture, panel discussion, and poetry readings, by noted New Hampshire and European scholars and poets: "A Cavafy Celebration: The Rouman Lecture Series at UNH." Professors Martin McKinsey (UNH), Peter Bien (Dartmouth, Emeritus), and Greek author and poet, Dino Siotis. 7pm, Paul Creative Center for the Arts-M223. Sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Lecture Series. 24 October 2013--Free public lecture on excavations at legendary Troy--University of New Hampshire, Durham, by Dr. C. Brian Rose, James B. Pritchard Professor of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, and Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, Penn. Museum of Archaeology: "Was the Trojan War Real? Recent Excavations at Troy."--Strafford Room, 7:30pm, Memorial Union Building, University of New Hampshire, Durham. Lecture generously sponsored by the Onassis Foundation (USA). 15th Anniversary Celebration of The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 25 October 2013--Free public "theatrico-lyrical" narrative and performance by dramatic soprano Prof. Ioanna Sfekas-Karvelas of Greece, accompanied by pianist Dr. Robert Herschbach: "Zoe, Eros and Thanatos: Greek Heroines in Opera." 7pm, Paul Creative Center for the Arts-M223. Sponsored by the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Lecture Series. 22 November 2013--Lecture by Professor Emeritus Ewen Bowie of Corpus Christi College at Oxford University. 1pm, Murkland Hall, G-17. Sponsored by the Janetos Fund. 2014 15 October 2014--Lecture by Ryan Balot of the University of Toronto: "The Psychology of Greed: Ancient and Modern Reflections." Co-sponsored by the Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project. 7:30pm, Richards Auditorium, Murkland Hall, Durham. 2015 29 April 2015--Lecture by Bryan Burns of Wellesley University: "The Mycenaeans and Minoans Today: Revivals of Bronze Age Greece." Demeritt 112, 7:30pm, Durham. |
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Named for one of the University of New Hampshire's most distinguished scholars and faculty members, the series is a testament to the extraordinary devotion Professor John C. Rouman has exhibited and continues to display toward the field. A former Fulbright Scholar in Byzantine Greek, Dr. Rouman has won the prestiguous National Award for Excellence in Teaching of Classis, and the Distinguished Teaching Award from UNH. He is currently completing the translation and commentary on the History of Nicephorus Bryennius, as well as a modern Greek textbook called Greek: The Living Language. |
The John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series has presented a number of fine lectures by noted scholars. Links below are Adobe Acrobat Reader pdf files that may be downloaded so you can share in the lectures and events previously held. You will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for your browser to read. |
Press Releases and Articles of Interest Acclaimed Author Jonathan Shay to Deliver Classics Lecture at UNH in Durham |
Please consider donating to the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series Endowment Fund at the University of New Hampshire Foundation--help preserve the timeless message of the classics for future generations Thank you for your support! Please send donations to the University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc., referencing the John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series, Elliott Alumni Center, 9 Edgewood Drive, Durham, NH 03824. For more information, contact the Foundation directly, or visit their site at the URL http://www.foundation.unh.edu/. |
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