1. A number of sources of information exist in the U.S. to help researchers learn
more about immigrant ancestors. Please check any that you have consulted or
A. Passenger ship records
B. Census records
C. City or town directories
D. Immigration and naturalization records
E. Ecclesiastical records
F. Military records
G. Funereal or burial records
H. Vital statistics (birth, marriage, or death certificates/records)
I. Probate records
J. Land records
K. Records of fraternal organization
Other (specify)
2. Archives and records exist in Greece, just as they do in the U.S. and other
countries. Are you familiar with any types of civil records in Greece? (Y/N) If so,
check all of the following about which you may have hear or be familiar:
A. dimotologion (town register—contains “oikogeniaki merida” or “family page”
listing all members of a particular family in one residence)
B. mitroon arrhenon (registry of males—listed by year of birth, intended primarily
for military
C. Other (specify)
3. Do you know the “dimos” (governmental “municipality”—a unit of geopolitical
organization) of your village, the current location of many civil records, especially
since the reorganization and consolidation of governmental offices in Greece
known as the “Kapodistrian Plan” just a few years ago? (Y/N)
4. Have you ever visited your ancestral village(s) in Greece or other areas
colonized by Greeks? (Y/N)
5. Do you know the full, original Greek name of your immigrant ancestor, that
person in your family who first emigrated from Greece or other area in the
6. Do you know your family’s “paratsoukli” (clan/family nickname)? (Y/N)
7. Have you ever tried to obtain copies of records of any sort from Greece? (Y/N)
If yes, please describe your experiences and whether or not you were successful.
Yes. Please describe:
8. Do you know the metropolis or ecclesiastical see under whose jurisdiction your
ancestral village falls? (Y/N)
If so, have you visited or contacted it for information about ancestors or relatives?
9. Have you ever contacted or visited the local church(es) in your ancestral village
for information about ancestors or relatives? (Y/N)
10. Have you ever used any online databases to help you in your search? (Y/N)
If so, please specify which ones.
11. If there were a genealogy workshop on Hellenic ancestry offered in your area,
would you be interested in attending? (Y/N) If so, please list nearest city or
metropolitan area.
Yes. Nearest City/Metropolitan Area:
12. Can you read typed Greek, with or without a dictionary? (Y/N) If so, can you
also read handwritten Greek, with or without a dictionary? (Y/N)
13. Do you have family memorabilia (letters, certificates, postcards, etc.) that you
would like to have translated into English? (Y/N)
14. Would you like to become involved in any volunteer genealogical projects in
the U.S.? (Check any of the following that seem interesting to you and fill in your
name and contact information below.)
A. cemetery transcriptions (recording information on headstones—HHGA can
supply sample forms for recording information)
B. transcription of Greek records (“translation” of Greek records, mostly
church records, into English)
C. interviewing community elders/taking oral histories (HHGA can supply
template of questions to ask)
D. indexing naturalization or immigration records (going through state registers
and making index cards with name of immigrant, date of record, what type of
record, where original document can be found in archives, etc., so that
researchers can then look up info by alphabetized last name)
E. indexing obituaries (going through local newspapers and making up index
cards with name of immigrant, date obituary appeared in paper, page of
obituary, etc., so that researchers can then look up info by alphabetized
last name)
F. other (please specify)
15. Has anyone from your ancestral village ever produced a written history of the
village, either in Greek or English? (Y/N/I don’t know) If yes, please list title,
name of village, author, and how to obtain a copy.
Name of Village
How to Obtain Copy
16. If Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association were to establish free
webpages for posting queries, complete with directions, would you consider
posting a query (genealogical classified advertisement often seen in national
genealogy periodicals asking for more information about a specific person or
family)? (Y/N)
17. With which areas of your research do you need help most? (Please specify.)
Thank you for completing the survey.
Please list a valid email address below so that the survey will be able to bypass spam filters.
If you also leave your name and mailing address, HHGA will add you to the mailing list for upcoming events and free booklets as they are developed.