Sends Letter to President George W. Bush Regarding The Wall Street Journal,
The Washington Times and Turkey
March 10, 2005 AHI President Gene Rossides sent a letter to George W.
Bush regarding The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times and
Turkey. The text of the letter follows:
10, 2005
The Honorable
George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President:
On February 16, 2005 The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
carried an editorial page article "The Sick
Man of Europe—Again" by Mr. Robert L. Pollock, a senior editorial
page writer at the WSJ. Finally a mainstream journalist, and a conservative
one at that, has given the U.S. public the real picture of Turkey's
virulent anti-American and anti-Semitic attitudes. He tells it as it
is. Attached is a copy of Mr. Pollock's article.
On March 8, 2005, the noted journalist, Arnaud de
Borchgrave, editor at large of The Washington Times and of United
Press International, in an article titled "Cold
Turkey" (Washington Times, 3-8-05, A17, col.1) pointed out that
"Turkey, an erstwhile ally, nabbed the gold medal recently in the global
anti-American stakes" citing a BBC world survey. A copy of Mr. de Borchgrave's
article is attached.
The U.S. media has failed to cover adequately the
situation in Turkey for decades. They have taken handouts and statements
from U.S. officials without serious questioning or investigation. Speeches
and interviews by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and former
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman have contained
blatant falsehoods, misleading statements and serious omissions of fact
Mr. Pollock's detailed article will hopefully change
the media's complacency and work habits regarding Turkey.
Mr. President, what is also very much needed in the
interests of the U.S. is a reassessment by your administration of its
policy towards Turkey. Hopefully Mr. Pollock's article will stimulate
such a reassessment which should include, at a minimum the following
In your eloquent inaugural address you called for
liberty, freedom and democracy throughout the world. We urge you to
apply these words and policy to Cyprus by calling for the immediate:
Turkey's illegal invasion of Cyprus in 1974 is the
equivalent, as a matter of law, to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
Turkey and Iraq both violated the UN Charter (Art. 2 (4)) and international
law. In addition Turkey violated the NATO Treaty. The factual difference
is that Turkey is a NATO ally and Iraq is not. Also Iraq and Kuwait
have oil and Turkey does not.
President George H. W. Bush in 1990 mobilized world
opinion and the United Nations and in January 1991 the U.S. led the
effort under international law that halted and reversed Iraq's invasion
of Kuwait.
Mr. President, you should stop the double standard
on the rule of law for Turkey and should apply the Eisenhower Doctrine:
"There can be no peace without law. And there can be no law if we
were to invoke one code of international conduct for those who oppose
us and another for our friends."
The Geneva Convention of 1949, section III, article
49, prohibits colonization by an occupying power. Article 49 states
in its last paragraph: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer
parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."
Today there are over 100,000 illegal Turkish colonists in Cyprus and
Turkey is continuing its illegal colonization program with the aim of
changing the demographics of Cyprus.
The Turkish Green Line barbed wire fence across Cyprus,
together with Turkish troops and 100,000 illegal colonists, prevent
the full liberty and freedom of the people of Cyprus--the Greek and
Turkish Cypriots. The Green Line, together with Turkey's troops
and illegal colonists is also the cause of the Turkish Cypriots isolation.
Remove Turkey's troops, colonists and the Green Line barbed wire fence
and the Turkish Cypriots isolation will vanish.
The above points are clear and obvious. Why haven't
they been recognized and applied? The answer is the State Department's
double standard on the application of the rule of law to Turkey in 1974,
and the support then Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger gave to Turkey
in (1) the July 15, 1974 illegal Greek junta coup against President
Makarios of Cyprus, (2) the July 20, 1974 invasion of Cyprus by Turkey
and (3) the second wave of the invasion on August 14-16, 1974 in which
Turkey occupied 33% more of Cyprus three weeks after the legitimate
government of Cyprus had been restored.
The State Department's actions and inactions in 1974
will forever stain the reputation of Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger
who was in full charge of U.S. foreign policy at that time and deliberately
violated the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 by failing to halt
immediately U.S. arms to Turkey as required by that basic U.S. law.
The State Department since that time to the present
time has followed the same double standard on the application of the
rule of law to Turkey and has actively tried to cover-up Kissinger's
illegal conduct.
Instead of calling for the removal of (1) Turkish
invasion and occupation troops from Cyprus, (2) the illegal colonists
and (3) the illegal Turkish Green Line barbed wired fence, the State
Department says they are part of the negotiations, which means, in effect,
the State Department's support for Turkish aggression.
The State Department's "double speak" on Turkey's
invasion of Cyprus compared to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait is right out
of George Orwell's 1984.
Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), a senior
member of the House International Relations Committee, recently stated
that "the ‘no' vote issued by the Greek Cypriots was not a vote
against reunification. Rather, it was the legitimate expression of the
real concerns that made that particular version of the Annan Plan unacceptable
to the Greek Cypriot voters, particularly the continuing presence of
Turkish troops on the island. They've got to go." (Speech, Washington,
D.C., 3-5-05, American Hellenic Institute annual dinner.)
Mr. President, you call for the immediate removal
of Syrian troops from Lebanon which we support as in the best interests
of the U.S. Why have you not called for the immediate removal of Turkey's
occupation troops from Cyprus? The failure to call for the removal of
Turkish troops from Cyprus is another example of the double standard
for Turkey. The Turkish troops are invaders and occupiers.
Turkey's aggression and occupation of 37% of Cyprus
in 1974 with the massive destruction caused by Turkey's armed forces;
the 200,000 Greek Cypriot refugees forced from their homes; the bread
basket agricultural area of Cyprus under Turkish occupation; and the
killings of innocent Greek Cypriots and rapes of women from 12 to 71
on a substantial scale--left the Republic of Cyprus devastated and with
huge problems.
The Greek Cypriot leadership responded to the challenge
by basing their future on hard work and the rule of law—not
on violence. They achieved an economic revival and miracle against
huge odds. At practically every step of the way they encountered opposition
from Turkey, Britain and the U.S. State Department, yet they persisted
and succeeded and became a member state of the European Union!
In the meantime, the northern occupied part of Cyprus
under the Turkish military control and Rauf Denktash, became known for
lawlessness from drug smuggling to money laundering.
A free united Cyprus, without Turkish troops, Turkish
colonists and the Green Line, and with a "constitutional democracy
based on majority rule, the rule of law, and the protection of minority
rights….free from the threat of war," as proposed by Bush
41 in July 1988, would be in the best interest of the U.S. and of Israel
as it would be (1) a beacon of liberty, freedom and democracy and (2)
would prevent there ever being an extremist Muslim territory on Cyprus
which could threaten Israel.
Turkey's actions against its Kurdish minority since
1984 have been characterized as ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity
and genocide. The recent efforts of Turkey to placate the international
community regarding the Kurds are minimal and do not change the second
class citizen status of the Kurds in Turkey. When is the U.S. going
to stand up for the courageous human rights activists in Turkey?
It should not be forgotten that in 1984 the Turkish
army using 250,000 troops initiated a reign of terror against the Kurdish
minority in Southeastern Turkey in which they killed over 30,000 innocent
Kurdish civilians and destroyed 3,000 villages creating 3,000,000 Kurdish
refugees (See Eric Rouleau, "Turkey's Dream of Democracy," Foreign
Affairs, Nov. Dec. 2000, pp 100-114.)
It is shameful that the U.S. has not publicly recognized
the Armenian Genocide. We urge you to overrule the State Department's
failure to do so. The world community and the academic community overwhelmingly
recognize the Armenian genocide. The Library of Congress held a major
conference on the Armenian Genocide several years ago, yet the State
Department continues its opposition to recognition.
We urge you to call for the removal of Turkey's illegal
economic blockage of Armenia which also prevents U.S. humanitarian aid
to Armenia.
Turkey's lack
of reliability as an ally and assistance to the Soviet military
The March 1, 2003 vote of the Turkish Parliament
refusing to allow the U.S. to use bases in Turkey to open a second front
against Saddam Hussein's dictatorship is well-known and should not be
forgotten or put under the rug. It did substantial damage to the U.S.
as Secretary Rumsfeld recently stated and caused the loss of many U.S.
military lives.
Mr. President, Turkey's unreliability on March 1,
2003 should not have been a surprise. The record shows that during the
Cold War Turkey brushed aside U.S. interests on many occasions and deliberately
gave substantial assistance to the Soviet military.
In 1974, Edward Luttwak, the noted strategic analyst,
discussed Turkey's cooperation with the Soviet military during the Cold
War. He wrote at that time the following:
No longer presenting a direct threat to the integrity of Turkish national territory, and no longer demanding formal revision of the Straits navigation regime, the Soviet Union has nevertheless successfully exercised armed suasion over Turkey, even while maintaining a fairly benevolent stance, which includes significant aid flows. Faced with a sharp relative increase in Russian strategic and naval power, and eager to normalize relations with their formidable neighbor, the Turks have chosen to conciliate the Russians, and have been able to do so at little or no direct cost to themselves. It is only in respect to strategic transit that Turkey is of primary importance to the Soviet Union, and this is the area where the concessions have been made. Examples of such deflection, where the Russians are conciliated at the expense of western rather than specifically Turkish interests, include the overland traffic agreement (unimpeded Russian transit to Iraq and Syria by road), the generous Turkish interpretation of the Montreux Convention, which regulates ship movements in the Straits, and above all, the overflight permissions accorded to Russian civilian and military aircraft across Turkish air space. The alliance relationship in NATO and with the United States no doubt retains a measure of validity in Turkish eyes, but it is apparent that its supportive effect is not enough to counteract Russian suasion, especially since the coercion is latent and packaged in a benevolent, diplomatic stance. (Luttwak, The Political Uses of Sea Power, Johns Hopkins Press, 1974, pp. 60-61.)
Examples of Turkey's unreliability for U.S. strategic
purposes include:
Turkey- an extortionist
The Turkish vote on March 1, 2003 was part of the
government's effort to put pressure on the U.S. to increase the amount
of economic aid for Turkey's cooperation from $26 billion to $32 billion.
The March 1, 2003 vote had the tacit support of Prime Minister Erdogan
and the military.
Why any representative of the U.S. should have been
offering $26 billion to Turkey, a NATO ally, for its cooperation defies
reason. But that is what Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz did.
The U.S. military finally said no to Turkey's negotiating tactics and
invaded Iraq without Turkey's help.
In the lead New York Times article on February
20, 2003 (at A1; col.6), David E. Sanger and Dexter Filkens reported
that Turkey, a NATO ally, is demanding $32 billion for use of Turkish
territory by U.S. troops for a second front against Iraq and that the
U.S. has offered $26 billion. Turkey's governing party leader, Recep
Tayyip Erdogan said that the White House's final offer of $26 billion
"was not yet good enough and that Parliament would not vote this week
on whether to allow the deployment of upwards of 40,000 American troops
along the Iraqi border." Messrs. Sanger and Filkens continued:
"Mr. Bush made no public comment about the standoff
In private, though, administration officials were
fuming, with one senior official calling the Turkish efforts to hold
out for more aid--and perhaps access to oil from the Kirkuk region of
Iraq--as 'extortion in the name of alliance.' Another said that
despite a stream of aid from the United States, 'the Turks seem to think
that we'll keep the bazaar open all night.'" (Emphasis added)
Members of Congress and commentators referred to
Turkey's actions as extortion, blackmail, bribery and shakedown.
Turkey, human
rights and the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Today there are thousands of political prisoners
in jail. There are many journalists in jail. There is and has been a
lack of freedom of speech, freedom of the press and religious freedom
particularly for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Halki Patriarchal
School of Theology has been illegally closed since 1971 and church properties
are at risk.
On February 28, 2005, the State Department issued
its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices- 2004. The Country
Report on Turkey is a serious indictment of Turkey's human rights violations.
On Sunday, March 6, 2005 Turkish riot police "used
truncheons and tear gas to break up a group of demonstrators who refused
to disperse" during a demonstration marking the upcoming World Women's
Day. "Police were seen in television footage chasing and beating demonstrators
with clubs. One female demonstrator was knocked to the ground by police
officers, then kicked in the face by another officer. Policemen in gas
masks could also be seen spraying tear gas directly onto demonstrators
faces." (Washington Post, 3-7-05, A15, col. 1.)
The European Union condemned the "disproportionate
force" used to break up the demonstration. (New York Times, 3-8-05,
A6, col. 5.)
U.S. action needed
The U.S. in its own self-interest should consider
removal of benefits previously granted to Turkey, such as textile quotas,
and sanctions if Turkey does not cooperate regarding Cyprus, the Kurds,
Armenia and the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
A reassessment should also include:
Mr. President, we urge you to act decisively and
change U.S. policy towards Turkey in the interest of the U.S. and give
real meaning to your eloquent and high minded inaugural address. Otherwise
the world community and historians will consider your words as empty
Gene Rossides,
President American
Hellenic Institute
Vice President Richard B. Cheney
of State Condoleezza Rice
of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
Deputy Secretary of State Designate Robert
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
Chief of Staff Andrew Card
Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove
National Security Adviser Steve Hadley
Under Secretary of State Designate Nicholas
Director of OMB Joshua Bolten,
The Congress
Download the Articles: Washington Times Article [doc] [pdf] The Wall Street Journal Article [doc] [pdf] ![]() |